Gathering 300+ senior representatives and advisors from regional governments, UN agencies, international and regional NGOs, CBOs, investors and donors, research institutes and the private sector, Aid & Development Africa Summit looks at how technological innovations and best practice can improve aid delivery and development strategy in East Africa.
The agenda has been developed in consultation with key organisations, such as WFP, IRFC, World Vision, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank, Save the Children, UN Habitat, CRS, FHI360, Oxfam, Habitat for Humanity International, IRD and will include case studies, panel discussions, workshops, and interactive roundtable sessions.
• Hear latest policy and project updates and influence the debate on improving humanitarian aid operations and infrastructure resilience
• Exchange best practice and discover innovations in health & WASH, agriculture and infrastructure resilience, security of aid workers and communities, humanitarian logistics, use of (mobile) technology for development programmes
• Gain first hand insights from development banks, donors and government agencies on their financing priorities and funding guidelines
• Discover new business opportunities and benefit from formal and informal networking with a balanced audience of 1/3 policy makers & investors, 1/3 implementers and 1/3 private sector companies
• Build long lasting partnerships and effective collaborations via structured networking opportunities, exchange ideas and influence regional development and humanitarian goals
Aid & Development Africa Summit will benefit directors of programmes, operations, procurement, logistics, supplier/partner management, IT, technology, innovation, communications, shelter, health, WASH, field operations, fleet/transport, security and safety, infrastructure/livelihoods, HR, training, financing, payments and partnerships.
This exclusive platform of regional and global expertise will offer a unique opportunity for cross-sector engagement between UN and government agencies, development banks, civil societies and the private sector.
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