The Institute of African Studies is glad to invite the entire University of Ghana community to its seminar titled, “Huhuhu nyɛ me hu and National Security: Turning Rumour into Nuggets of Intelligence” to be presented by Mr. Emma Sowatey.
Date: Thursday, 19th October, 2017
Time: 9:00am -10:30am
Venue: Institute of African Studies – J. H. Nketia Conference Hall
Chairperson: Dr. Raymond Atuguba
(Executive Secretary to the President, 2013-2015)
Discussant: Admiral M. Quarshie
(Former Chief of Defense Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces)
Please join us on Skype, search for the user ias.legon to add us as a
contact ahead of time. Skype call at the time of the seminar to be patched
You can also send us a friend request on Facebook, Thursday Seminar, or
follow us on Twitter, @ThursdaySeminar.
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