Graduate Open House – MISR

MISR is holding a Graduate Open House. Please invite all interested parties to attend the MISR Open House and we hope you will join us. [...]

Lagos Studies Association Conference

Preliminary Program of the 4th LSA Conference Now Available   The Lagos Studies Association is pleased to release the Preliminary Program of the 4th edition of its [...]

Intra-race Community Dialogue

IJR Office 105 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa

The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) has been holding a series of intra-race dialogues in different communities around Cape Town. The dialogues are an [...]

Seminar by Dr. Grace-Edward Galabuzi

Makerere Institute of Social Research Kampala, Uganda

Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR) invites you to the seminar, to be given by Dr. Grace-Edward Galabuzi, Senior Research Fellow at MISR. Title: Countering [...]

Women’s Month Storytelling Event

IJR Office 105 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Cape Town, South Africa

In recognition of the struggles of South African women and in celebration of the numerous ways in which women have shaped and informed community, IJR [...]